OpenFaaS on Minikube

Minimal steps to run serveless/functions-as-a-service platform on Minikube.

  1. Start minikube.

    minikube start
  2. Install helm, if you haven’t already.

    brew install kubernetes-helm
  3. Install openfass CLI.

    brew install faas-cli
  4. Create a new service account for Helm. We are calling it tiller.

    kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller \
     && kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller \
     — clusterrole cluster-admin \serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
  5. Start helm.

    helm init --skip-refresh --upgrade --service-account tiller
  6. Get openfass kubernetes integration.

    git clone && cd faas-netes
  7. Install openfass on Kubernetes.

    helm upgrade — install --debug --reset-value --set async=false --set rbac=false openfaas openfaas/ 

    At this point you should see that kubernetes has deployed our serverless infrastructure.

    kubectl get pods
    NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    alertmanager-2526763497-qxzwb   1/1       Running   0          43m
    faas-netesd-1969965387-mtfn3    1/1       Running   0          43m
    gateway-640487255-5k2xr         1/1       Running   0          43m
    hello-4272447001-lkxcs          1/1       Running   0          22m
    prometheus-3793543547-w13ln     1/1       Running   0          43m

    You can also look at the the ui

    minikube service gateway-external


  8. Now, that we have infrastructure, lets build and deploy a python hello world function.

    faas-cli new --lang python hello

    This will create hello.yml, hello/ and hello/requirements.txt. hello.yml describes the deployment (service name, image to be used etc.). You want to change the image from hello to <your_docker_id>/hello

      name: faas
      gateway: http://localhost:8080
        lang: python
        handler: ./hello
        image: dharmeshkakadia/hello

    hello/ has the code to handle request. In our case it just prints back the string.

    def handle(st):

    The requirements file is empty since we don’t have any dependencies right now.

  9. Lets build our code, docker image and push it to registry. We will use docker with Kubernetes for this purpose.

    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    docker login
    faas-cli build -f hello.yml
    faas-cli push -f hello.yml
  10. Deploy the hello function service.

    faas-cli deploy -f hello.yml --gateway $(minikube service gateway-external  --url)

    At this point you should be seeing the service is deployed

    Deploying: hello.
    No existing function to remove
    202 Accepted

You can confirm it in UI as well.

  1. You are now ready to test the service. You can invoke it from UI, via REST api or through CLI.

    echo world | faas-cli invoke hello --gateway $(minikube service gateway-external  --url)
  2. The UI will show the invocation count has changed. You can also confirm it through CLI.

    The Prometheus dashboard also has the metrics for the service. Here is the dashboard showing invocation count.

    minikube service prometheus-external


  3. Finally you can remove the hello function with

    faas-cli remove hello --gateway $(minikube service gateway-external  --url)

    Thats it ! OpenFaaS looks a great platform. Give it a try !