Support for multistage docker build has landed in Docker earlier this year. Multi stage builds simplify the image building and the genereated images are much smaller in the size. The code/instructions are available at go-multi-stage-docker.
Here is our lovely go program that we want to run in the image:
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello Multistage Docker builds!") }
Here is the
that you can use:# gobase layer FROM golang:alpine AS go-base ADD . /src RUN cd /src && go build -o hello # final layer FROM alpine COPY /src/hello /app/ ENTRYPOINT /app/hello
Here we create two layers:
- go-base layer: Includes go runtime. We are mounting src directory in the image and compiling our go package(hello.go) and generating the output binary hello.
- app layer: Extends the alpine image by copying our binary(/src/hello) from the go-base layer to /app/. It also defines entrypoint for the image as our binary(/app/hello)
Lets build our image and name it
:$ docker build -f Dockerfile -t go-multi-stage-docker:latest .
You can see the new image would be only few MBs in the size :
$ docker image ls go-multi-stage-docker REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE go-multi-stage-docker latest 5f037e697b51 4 minutes ago 5.52MB
Lets run our app/image
$ docker run --rm go-multi-stage-docker Hello Multistage Docker builds!
Thats it !